Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Roman is in the Choir

Tuesday evening, October 29th, Bonita and I went to see Roman sing in his middle school choir. It seemed extraordinary to me to see a ten year old wear a tie. Most men in my church won't wear a tie on Sunday morning!
We don't attend many events in the lives of our grandchildren and we were surprised to see what seemed to be a beehive of activity going on into the evening, long after what I thought were normal school hours.

Roman told us he was the captain of his choir. He spoke in front of the crowd and told us what we would be hearing next.

Click on a photo to make it larger.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mount Walker

Thursday Al, Stan and I made a late Fall trip to Mt Walker. This is a splendid exercise hike and gives a workout that is just about right. We picked a good day. It was 49 degrees and foggy/cloudy when we started out from the car but half way up the trail we got above the clouds and were met with golden sunshine. This photo is a panorama taken using the new feature of my iPhone.

Fall is the season for mushrooms and we saw quite a few this day. Most of them were not much to look at but this one was really unusual. Stan called it a Coral Mushroom. Click on the photo for a larger view.

Click on the link to see all eleven photos in my Flickr gallery.